Lisa Liguori
Lisa Liguori’s most unique experiences include swimming with tiger sharks in Fiji, photographing giraffes in South Africa, and piloting a small plane with her hubby, David.
Though she loves to travel, home is her “happy place” because it’s where she can be close to family.
By day Lisa runs a venture capital firm in San Diego; but even in the boardroom, she prefers jeans and flip flops over suits and heels. One of her favorite roles is as a philanthropist, directing her private foundation.
Lisa believes her calling is running the Advice Column Podcast. There she brings people together to share their life-experiences. Through that exchange she helps people to feel connected and accelerate their personal growth.
Though she battles shyness, Lisa revels in the adventure of life and dreams of one day participating in a flash mob dance. (Please call her if you are organizing one!)