Advice Column

How Would You Change the World?

Lisa Liguori Season 4 Episode 5

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How would you change the world? In this episode we asked people how they'd answer and we hope it provides an opportunity for you to reflect, too!

Connect with the Panelists:

00:00:25   Lisa Liguori (host)
00:00:39.   Juan Alvarado Jr
00:02:25     Travis I Sivart.
00:03:13   Julia McCoy
00:04:01   Lois Letchford
00:04:52    Andy Lingfield
00:05:47    J. Rosemarie (Jenn) Francis
00:06:51  Jamie Chalmers
00:07:45    Melisa Caprio
00:09:02    Lisa Liguori (host)

Connect with the host, Lisa Liguori:

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Advice Column (a program of Happiness Adventure) is a nonprofit, 501(C)3. All content is provided as a free service for the public good. Our mission is to create a platform for you and our community to share life-learning with one another. We hope sharing will help you accelerate your growth and remember you aren't alone. 
Advice Column - Crowd-Sourced Ideas for Living with Intention

Speaker 1:

So if I could flick a switch, I would make sure that people understood that you get the most joy out of helping the most people and that that's what we should strive to do.

Speaker 2:

I would want to remove that fear so that people are fully uninhibited to go follow their dreams.

Speaker 3:

In that world, barriers that divide us would just crumble and they'd be replaced by bridges of understanding and unity.

Speaker 4:

Hello friend, if you could change the world in any way you wanted, what would it be? That's what we asked our panelists in this episode, and let's hear what they have to say.

Speaker 5:

If I had all the power in the universe, how would I change the world? I think one of the things would be self-realization slash ownership. What I mean by that is how can I take 100% ownership for what I deem wrong Like in an argument if I feel that I'm only responsible 1%? How can I take 100% ownership of that 1%? And that only comes through self-realization? How do I become responsible for my actions, my words, my thinking, etc. The next part of this is how do I transform my thought process into I will no longer be a victim, but I will be a victor.

Speaker 5:

Growing up in East Los Angeles, a majority of my life being deployed overseas as a United States Army veteran, to be able to go through the things that I've gone through, to say how can I take responsibility of this? And then, instead of blaming what I've been diagnosed with PTSD or whatever it is, how can I take ownership to say I am not going to sit here and sulk in. Well, that's the way I am, or that's no, that's what I will become if I don't make a change. So I think a lot of people would help this world out if we were just to say how do I stop being sick and tired of being sick and tired. How do I stop being a victim and start to become a victor? And I think if people in our world, including myself, do that, I would be better, my relationships would be better, my community will be better, my state, my country, this world, would become better if we were to own up to our actions. That's how it changed the world.

Speaker 6:

I would allow human beings to look beyond their own needs and desires to see a larger picture, thus being able to work better with each other, move things forward together as a group instead of just being greedy and selfish. This would also help us protect the world for ourselves and our lifetime, as well as generations to come. I think this is the one defining trait of human beings that puts our species and possibly the planet though it will go on without us in the most danger. Being out for number one is a self-destructive habit, and that's what I change our attitudes.

Speaker 2:

I had all the power in the universe, how would I change the world? I think I would choose to eradicate the number one stumbling block that keeps people from seeing their dreams through, which is fear. Fear of a self-imposed limitation, fear of a lie they've been told, fear that they're too old, too young. I would want to remove that fear so that people are fully uninhibited to go follow their dreams. I think this would change the world in incredible ways. We would see far less depression, we would see far more happiness, we would see less wars, we would see less strife, and it would just be a better world to live in if everyone were freed up from fear to go follow their purpose.

Speaker 7:

If I had all the power in the universe, how would I change the world? I would make the world a better place by making people more kind, more tolerant and more inclusive. What we see on the outside of a person is not necessarily what's going on on the inside. I would really like to see people to be aware and more empathetic of others and the struggles that they may be carrying within themselves, and to do that be empathetic, be kind, be tolerant and be more inclusive. Engage that child or that person who is on the outside and bring them and encourage them to be part of the wider community.

Speaker 3:

If I had all the power in the universe, this is what I would do. Firstly, imagine a world where everyone can get their dreams, and not dreams that others have told them they want or their parents have told them they want, but actually what they, as authentic beings, want to achieve. So my belief is that true change begins within. So I would empower each soul to recognise their unique potential, to embrace their inherent worth and to manifest their dreams fearlessly. I would eradicate all the beliefs that were holding the back, I would enable this inner awakening and I would make sure that everyone trusted their intuition and their powerful inner knowing. In that world, barriers, that dividers would just crumble and they'd be replaced by bridges of understanding and unity. It just makes me smile to think of the possibility.

Speaker 8:

For me, I would ensure that every child experiences safety and security in their parents' home, that their dreams and desires are nurtured and encouraged, and that every child at an early age learned to read. And reading is important because it unlocks a world of knowledge and opportunity for children, and I remember listening to my grandfather read to me when I was very small and that instilled in me a lifelong thirst for reading. Reading allows children to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. So every child, if I had the power, would have the opportunity to pursue their dream, whatever they may be, whether it's climbing Mount Everest or playing the piano to a sold-out crowd at Carnegie Hall. I would want every child to have the chance to achieve their full potential.

Speaker 1:

Fired all the power in the universe. I changed world by reminding humans that we're just beings, that we shouldn't be driven by greed and that we should get pleasure from serving other people and genuinely making the world a better place for everyone, not just for the people in our immediate circle. Because the world seems to be falling apart and it seems to be driven by the fact that we prize possessions more than we prize community. Like we don't realize that we're all part and parcel of this same ecosystem, and with more and more money and more and more resource being held in fewer and fewer hands, this situation doesn't seem to be getting any better. So if I could flick a switch, I would make sure that people understood that you get the most joy out of helping the most people and that that's what we should strive to do.

Speaker 9:

If I had all the power in the universe, how would I change the world? I would change the world by having every person in the world know what it feels like to feel loved, to feel valued and seen. Every single one of us, no matter what color, race or religion, wants that and deserves that. If every person really came from having that experience, they would feel worthy, and knowing our own worth is one of the most powerful feelings we can have. It sets the stage for how we treat others. Those who don't have a sense of self-worth can have no worth for other people, animals or the planet. When you know what it's like to be loved and valued, you know how to express that to everyone around you. When we love ourselves, we know how to love others, and that's just everything. If I had the power to do that, I would, and the world would transform in an instant. If we could start doing that right now, with every new child born on the planet, the world would change in a generation.

Speaker 4:

What noble and aspirational answers those were. Thank you so much to our panelists for sharing, and to you, my friend. What would you do if you could change the world? As I reflect on this question, I wonder well, what parts of that could I act upon now, even though I don't have a magic wand to make a difference? I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope you get a chance to dream a little bit about the change you want to make in the world. Bye now.

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